FabFilter User Forum

Match EQ Question

HI Guys

I am interested in the Match EQ in FF as i play Shadows tunes and i was wondering if it would be possible to use Match EQ to get close to Hank Marvins tone?

I don't gig i only play at home for my own amusement.




Hi Alan,

Sure, you could use Match EQ for this. Put Pro-Q 2 on the track with your own song, route the track with a Shadows song to the side-chain of Pro-Q 2, and follow the EQ match steps!

You can read more about this here: www.fabfilter.com/help/pro-q/using/eqmatch

Floris (FabFilter)

Hi Floris
Thank you for the reply,i did try and do this but without much success,i will try the method you have said and see how far i get.



Sorted,Pro-Q2 working fine,and EQ Match is amazing.

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