FabFilter User Forum

proMB Sidchainimput sometimes not listed as output by the sends of Cubase.

Hi, (plz excuse my bad english)

I'm currently testing some x64 FabFilter vst3s in the 30Day Demo in Cubase 7.5.3.

Everything was fine until i was no longer able to route from a send from an Instrument track to a sidchaininput of proMB in a Groupechannel (it was the 2nd sidechained proMB in this .cpr)

(So I created a new .cpr and added 7 Audio Tracks and insert in 6 Audiotracks a proMB and routed from the first Audiotrack to the 6 proMBs via side chain, and it worked)

The solution was to delete the insert with the proMB and insert a new proMB postfader in this GroupeChannel.

Do somebody know why this happens? If needet i can post a list of plugins which were used in this .cpr.

Best Regards.
God bless Fabfilter Plugins:)

Loop Breaker
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