FabFilter User Forum

Linear Phase on Master Channel

I have read linear phase EQ on master channel is preferred, though I also read that it will cause pre-ringing in the low frequency area, and is best suited for higher frequency EQ moves.

I often put a filter on my master channel at around 28Hz, to gain some headroom and cut out some mud.

Would it be better to use 2 instances of Pro-Q, and use linear phase for all EQ moves above 200, let's say. and an instance with minimum phase mode for the HPF cut at 28, and any EQ moves below 200, to prevent pre-ringing?

Or is linear phase okay for this low HPF and any other moves below 200?


I don't claim to be an expert, but have played around with a lot of types of EQs in different mixing situations, and my answer would be yes. To my ears "minimum" phase EQs are well-suited for more extreme EQing, like high or low passes and notches, while linear or "maximum" phase EQs are better at smoother and more subtle adjustments. Especially if we're talking about Pro Q...


Jon (Smalt Mine)

Hi Mike,

I think it's very likely you'll get preringing when using such a low HPF filter in linear phase mode.

You can easily try it for yourself -- listen to the attach of e.g. a kick drum while increasing the slope of a low HPF filter in linear phase mode. Then switch it to zero latency or dynamic phase to hear the difference. In the end, you'll just have to trust your ears!


Frederik (FabFilter)
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