FabFilter User Forum

program change automation

I noticed that it's not possible to automate presets for any of the FabFilters through Cubase SX, for instance. It doesn't give you any option to automate the program because of the way the presets are laid out. Has anyone had the same issue? Is it a demo limitation?


Hi Geo,

It's correct that a midi program change doesn't work in our products. When you want to automate a preset change, you could just change the preset in our own preset system, which will update all parameters and will record the automation.

We will think about supporting program changes in the future.


Floris (FabFilter)

i'd quite like to see program change automation too...paul


+1 :)

it's rather hard to play live without the ability to use program change messages

i hope this will be in the next update


yes, as a live user i need program change possibility.during a performance you got better things to do than loading presets:-)
hope this will be included in the next update.



Hey guys,

Program change and bank select midi handling will ne included in the next update, coming very soon!


Floris (FabFilter)

I would like to purchase Fabfilter Twin now, it is superb, but would also like to use the MIDI program change abilities that will be added in a future release.

If I buy now, will I have to purchase the next release also?


Hi Nige,

The next update to Twin will be free, so you can safely buy Twin now if you like!


Floris (FabFilter)

that sounds good. when do you think, you'll be ready?


We'll probably do the update release for Twin and Volcano next week!

Floris (FabFilter)

When the update for Twin and Volcano will be released?


We're a little later than expected because we decided to add a few other improvements as well. I'm quite sure we'll be able to release the updates next week! Sorry for the delay...

Frederik (FabFilter)

Updates have been released!

Frederik (FabFilter)

What about FFOne?? Will it have same program change method as Twin??

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