FabFilter User Forum

Genuinely impressed

Hi there.
Plug from sectionz.com here.

I just have to come into the forum to publicly congratulate you on such a fine product. It's been a joy getting to know "One" and what it can do.

I really appreciate the extra length you have gone to in all areas of design.
I also have to say i'm especially impressed with the documentation - excellent job, it's so very important that customers have good documentation and support!

I'll be keeping a keen eye out for your products in the future.

You will receive an email when your review is posted up on sectionz.com shortly.

Take care, cya.


Hi Plug! Great to hear you appriciate the One and the effort we have put into its documentation. We're looking forward to the review.


Floris (FabFilter)


I am also very impressed by quality of your product. I read a review on Future Music about it but I merely ignored it as "another tb 303-emulation" or something. Yesterday I gave it a try however, and I truly fell in love with it. It has best sounding filter I have ever heard in analogue modeling product like you promised :)

I read rumours that you were working on a major VST-synth project. Well, if you do, make it even better thatn One. Maybe you should name it "Two" then :D

Ville, Finland

Ville, Finland
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