FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q 2 FeedBack and suggestions

Hi FabFilter!

I'm absolutely in love with the new Pro-Q 2. I do - however - have a few suggestions / requests.

First - when you instance the plugin (in Cubase 6.5 - probably applies to other hosts) the plugin windows opens in the middle of the screen - which on my dual monitor setup results in the window split between two screens. Would it be possible to set a default position? Either Screen 1 or 2 (or .. 3+) or a way to set specific coordinates?

Second - the spectrum-grab feature is rocking, BUT it would be amazing, if you could add a modifier-key (shift, ect) to lock the eq to spectrum-grab mode. If i miss the line when i try to insert / grab a point, then spectrum-grab mode exits and i have to wait for the spectrum to "rebuild" again ..

Thank you for a great product!


Rune Borup / FishCorp

I'd like an option to keep the floating dock centered, I keep getting flash-backs of Pong with it moving around everywhere lol.


Another thing I found IDK if its a glitch or it is supposed to be like this but all the filter besides the low and high pass while in solo will stick to the db when scrolling left and right threw the frequencies (do not move vertically). The low and high pass move vertically while solo swiping and you have to hold alt to lock it. Not sure if this is bug, just wanted to report it just in case.


When in full screen mode, allow pro tools to still respond to keyboard strokes. Pro Tools loses focus in full screen, so you can't start and stop the track unless you exit full screen.

Joseph Lyons

ohh yes a knob to make the spectrum Grab stay would be very nice!!
all the other ... perfect :D


I'm doing (Live-)Recordings as a professional and I'm also producing music with samples.
Since ProQ is on the market I used it every day and I was always very happy with it because it is/was a great tool for mixing matters and repairing audio tracks - a real swiss army knife so to say.

Now, with ProQ2, we get even more features and an even better sound... so it is even more a must.

Thanks a lot!!! and go on this way!!!

All the best from Switzwrland
Beat Kaufmann

Beat Kaufmann

All the new filter slopes!

Would love if 3dB/per octave was added as well. Both to shelves and the HP/LP filters.



This is the shit!! maybe i will never get to do anything than EQing :D



When creating more than one bandpass filter for FX Stuff, it would be nice to be able to set them from serial to parallel mode.
kind regards


Thanks for all the compliments and suggestions!

@Rune: We can't influence where the plugin window is created, that's the responsibility of the host. Cubase should remember where you dragged the window to.

We made Spectrum Grab lose the focus when you move the mouse to the top of the interface, because we wanted an easy way to get out of it -- you don't want Spectrum Grab to take over the plugin while you are working on other stuff.

@Joseph: We've checked this carefully with a lot of hosts including Pro Tools. Which version of Pro Tools are you using? Mac or Windows?


Frederik (FabFilter)


Thanks for another great eq.

Can I just point out that the gain q interaction button still lights up on the shelve filters even though the manual states this is only operational on the bell filters.

Also can I suggest the addition of the spectrum grab on the side chain as well. It would be great to be able to add a pro q 2 on the bass channel and then feed the side chain with the kick so that you could then easily grab it down where the kick pokes out.

Lovin' the natural phase mode by the way!


I haven't tried the upgrade demo yet, but I am excited about the Piano Note Snap function. Awesome!

I didn't see it in the manual but this function leads me to believe that it wouldn't be a far stretch to allow for midi input to transpose whatever bands you've quantized up and down, keeping their relative distances. That way Pro Q2 could give Sound Radix's Surfer EQ a run for its money too.

Not that Pro Q2 doesn't already seem to have a butt load of new features. But hey, just throwing it out there to see if the idea sticks.



I have the same problem as Joseph Lyons - when in full screen mode I can't start and stop Pro Tools, it seems key commands are locked out. I have Pro Tools 10.3.9 and Mac OS 10.8.5.

Thanks for the fantastic upgrade to an already amazing plug in!!!

Tone Ranger

Just upgraded myself, loving the new functionality and the natural phase works wonders for the high end at 44/48k sample rates

I have feature tweak request.

With regard to the piano roll. It would be great if, when highlighting multiple eq bands, if you click n drag one of them by clicking on its dot in the piano roll it:

1) Moved all the highlighted bands instead of only moving that single one and...
2) Snapped all the highlighted eq bands to the nearest note as they move relatively together.

Example of usefulness, lets say you're setting up multiple tight notches or bells to remove harmonics, say there's an instrument in G on a multi instrument recording you want to reduce in volume, but this instrument then changes to a different note. This way you can set up say 5 harmonic bands and then simply shift the whole lot really quickly to the new note. This would make editing the audio file much faster.


Love the Pro-Q v2! I'd love to see one small improvement to the piano - double-click on a note to add a node at the corresponding frequency.


+1 to Cryophonik

They already have Pro Q intelligently creating a band with the proper Q in spectrum grab mode, so it makes sense that if you double click on a piano note, it would automatically create a band with a proper Q amount also. Would be awesome!

Joseph Lyons

Also, it would be nice to have the meter still work when the plugin was soft bypassed using the fabfilter bypass.

As it is, when you bypass the plugin, even with the fabfilter soft bypass, the meter turns off... itd be cool to still be able to view that meter even when its bypassed, to have a way of visually matching your output gain with the original track when bypassed. Of course we use our ears to gain match the dry/wet signal, but it would be cool to still be able to see the meter regardless if it was bypassed or not.

Joseph Lyons

We'll definitely consider the piano roll suggestions!

When the plugin is bypassed, we disable all internal audio components to save CPU power. That's why the meter doesn't run either. I see the point though.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hey guys,

great update, will buy soon.
Though I second those feature requests:
- option to make floating box stationary (especially when you select more than one band it has a strange behaviour sometimes)
- option to keep meters alive on bypass



What is the strange behavior with the floating band controls when selecting multiple bands?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Regarding double-clicking in the piano roll to create a new band: this already resets the horizontal display zoom.

Also, what type of filter should this create? We could of course create a new bell filter with say +3 dB gain, but you'd still have to customize that every time. Might as well go to the main display directly and then later snap it to a piano key if needed.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I tried to reproduce the behaviour.
Although I first noticed it with multiple bands I realized now it has nothing to do with the selection of multiple bands. I'm sorry!
It's just when you select a band, the box centers around the band, but when your mouse is inside the box, the box won't move.
For example, create a band at 5khz, then go to the frequency knob and set it to 100hz. As long as you don't move the cursor out of the box it won't center around 100hz.
I think this is intended so the knobs don't "run away" when you're about to edit stuff.
I guess I can live with that, though what really bugs me is when you click the submenu button (with bypass and stuff) and then the big box overlaps with it. And to be honest, the constantly moving box is just stressful to me. An option to fixate the big box would be great.

While playing around I remembered another thing that bugs me a lot (maybe the only thing I really dislike in ProQ2) - the bypass button in a submenu. I think people don't need to adjust autogain, phase und such things constantly though bypass is such an essential function, it should be easily accessible all the time. Accessing it through mouseover feels akward and when I click on the submenu to keep it open it overlaps with the "big box" when dealing with high frequencies. I admit it looks cool as it is though from the ergonomic aspect it's inappropiate (within an ergonomic master piece like ProQ2). I know it's unlikely that this will be changed though I wanted to point this out.



After playing around with the spectrum grab some more, I second the request for a more "focused" grabbing mode.
Currently, when you use the grab feature it turns off after grabbing a frequency and automatically selects the band. That's ok if you have to deal with one frequency though when you have to deal with multiple frequencies it would be cool if you could just grab them all in one run and then tweak them later if necessary. It's a bit awkward to grab a freq, then click on the graph to deselect the band, move mouse down again, wait......then grab again.
The button that currently toggles between Grab on/off could have 3 states instead(off/purple-Close after Grab/yellow-Hold Grab)



^ +1 to that, I also find myself often wanting to grab a number of peaks and that usually means stopping playback, going back to the beginning of the section I want processed, waiting again for the spectrum to build up... I like both Dr. Gunjah's idea with the 3-state button and also Rune's with the modifier key, you could Ctrl (or Alt or Shift)-click rather than just click to grab a peak, and the spectrum would hold until you just-click a peak or click outside the spectrum or something like that... Either option would help both with grabbing several peaks and with the problem Rune mentioned about missing the spectrum line when you click. Whatever the implementation, I think it would be a very welcome addition to this very useful feature.



Interesting suggestion!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Please, if there was a way to stop the knobs jumping left and right following the frequency that would be swell.

Think about it, you've got a control that moves when you change it. This is just incorrect interface design, and it's nerve wracking.

The new natural phase sounds really nice!

Brian Daly

Just continuing my thought, along the same lines, I would like it if the plug in would open showing the band controls that were showing when the gui was closed. Again, the basic idea that it's good to have some stability, so you can come back to something and pick up where you left.

Brian Daly

+1 for enable to do spectrum grab on the side chain.

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