FabFilter User Forum

How to get EQ Match to work?

How exactly do we set up a sidechain to use EQ Match in Pro Tools?
Inserting FabFilter on an audio track doesn't seem to do it. Thanks.


Sorry, but this isnt explaining anything, i can't even find any sc button inside cubase.

Can someone with a bit of will to be helpfull post a simple tutorial on how to match eq without being sassy and point to manuals that clearly are not helping thanks

normal watch

You can only use the sidechain in Cubase if you are using the VST3 version - double check it's picked that up, also I think the cut down versions of Cubase don't let you sidechain.

The sidechain button will be displayed on the Cubase header when you open Pro-Q2's display (it's the button which looks like a square with an arrow pointing in it). On the Pro-Q2 interface, in the analyser section at the bottom, one of the options is SC - turn that on. Then in Cubase go to the channel that you want to send to the sidechain and in the audio sends section you should be able to set up a send and point it to "side-chain.... FabFilter". The send should now be displayed in Pro-Q2


Thank you Ross, apreaciate the help,

unfortunatly i am on cubase 5 (still) and can't find any sidechain option on fab filter, my version is a full version not the educational or anything so should be visible, but for some reasons its not..

normal watch

Thanks for that link, very helpful. However, it doesn't seem that you can have a stereo side chain input to Fabfilter in ProTools, as the Key Input only shows mono options. So, if you want to use Match EQ from a pre-existing stereo track, you can't. Only a mono feed is available. Hope I'm wrong on this...thx.


Hey Gary, I'm not familiar with Pro Tools (I use Studio One) but according to this PT tutorial on sidechain compression:


You're supposed to use a mono send on your stereo track since the compressor only accepts mono sidechain signals (see just below the second figure). Maybe it's a PT thing and I'm guessing the same setup would work for Pro-Q2?


Yep, Pro Tools only does mono side chains. That doesn't really matter for EQ match though, since it combines both channels anyway.

This help file topic from Pro-C can help you in getting side chaining to work with VST 2 plugins on older Cubase versions:


Frederik (FabFilter)
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