FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q 2 Appreciation Thread

Let's all bask in the awesomeness of this beautiful new plugin.


All I can say is: the moment it's in the shop, it's mine.


I am throwing money at the screen but nothing is happening !!!


Any idea how much the update will cost?

FabFilter lover

Probably some money. But I have just enough of that set aside for it.


upgrade pricing?!


Could we users have an email call when it becomes available in the shop? Please...

Thanks. FF


Stoked! A good thing just got even better. Will be updating for sure!


Is there any grace period? From when to when? :)


Having watched the YouTube vid a couple of times I have the feeling the other thread should now be renamed to "Pro-Q 2 - Any stiff competition?"

Quite possibly, the Q 2 is the new reference for clean, parametric software EQs.

Fabfilter, make sure your servers are ready on the 28th, they might get hammered.


No doubt this is amazing, but I'm wondering 2 things. Can a person with a student license of pro q 1 update to a full version of 2?

Secondly, the EQ match, will we be able to analyze two audio regions on one track and match them? It looks like you can only match an input and side chain... But it would be nice to have 2 separate banks for the input so you could "capture" one audio region and match it to another.. Example.. A vocal punch in on one line that has a slight tonal difference from the take before the punch in... Might be nice to be able to pop open an audio suite version and capture both and match either one.. And process it.

Joseph Lyons



You guys really nailed it. It was already my go-to EQ for technical and surgical EQing. Used it in almost every channel in every project. But when I tried Slick EQ with its auto gain feature, I was almost switching...

Now I just spent 30 bucks for nothing, because I'll stay with Pro-Q ;)


Online help already up!



Interesting FF took a slightly different approach to EQ matching than Voxengo's Curve EQ. EQ matching is all that I use Curve EQ for so it will be wonderful to have that feature in the (non-character) EQ I actually use, though I will miss having the extra two samples to compare against. I often sample 2-3 similar reference tracks to see what they have in common and compare all the curves simultaneously to my track. I won't miss the Voxengo UI though. Their GUI designer is from a different planet than me. Even Voxengo plugins I'ved used hundreds of times still feel foreign and confusing.

Greg Houston

For what it's worth, I basically only use three EQs at this point, Pro-Q, IK EQ 81, and IK EQP-1A. EQP-1A I could live without, it's just an easy way to get the Pultec bass trick dialed in and an easy way to roll off the highs real nicely, but I imagine both can be done with nearly identical curves in Pro-Q. What would be lost is the subtle smoothing saturation quality it adds. I actually like the Waves version for this better, but try to stick with as few brands as possible. The saturation in EQ 81 however I would sorely miss. That saturation along with Sonimus Britson has become the subtle spice rub gluing my mixes together.

There might not be any interest in this, but if Pro-Q had some saturation options it might be possible for many people to use it as pretty much their one and only EQ. Granted, current FF saturation doesn't sound particularly magical to me, but it doesn't sound bad either. Anyway, something to consider for version 3.

Greg Houston

Greg, do you think there's any way to simulate that saturation with two plug-ins? e.g. a clean EQ followed by a subtle saturation unit?


T.D., that is what I'm currently doing. If I need more flexibility than I can get with EQ 81 I will put a Pro-Q on the same track, but EQ 81 is still on the track, just with all default settings (no cuts or boosts) though I may fool with the input and output gain and flipping between line and mic to see what suits the track best. The reason for the request is simply to be able to reduce the number of plugins I've got in my signal chains.

I'm slowly learning that a quality initial signal does 90% of the work for me, and then a handful of "magical" plugins can quickly get me dialed in for the other 10%. EQ 81 is at the top of my list of magical plugins. It makes just about everything sound better to me (at default settings) and reduces considerably the number of other plugins I have to put in the chain to get something I like. The thing is, most of the plugins that fall into the magical category are emulations of some analogue hardware and they tend to lack flexibility when you need just a little bit more control. I don't see why you can't get the best of both worlds, the emulation of analog mojo merged with digital flexibility.

But just to re-iterate, I really like the idea of having a handful of plugins that can quickly get me to a happy place 99.9% without fuss; without having to grab a special tool.

H-Delay is another example where the general consensus is that it is crazy easy to dial in something that just works and sounds good. You don't have to fuss with it for hours trying to get something just right. But, it would certainly rock if it had all the flexibility of Timeless 2. This is generally my dilemma when choosing plugins. I have one that sounds incredible whatever you do to it, and then another that is more flexible and allows for more creativity, but doesn't add the same magic and mojo.

Greg Houston

I just love it. 11/10


The plugin alone is encouraging me to do some Audio work tonight, and I get an awesome upgrade deal too! Happy happy!


Absolutely lovely update to a already fantastic plugin.

Keep up the good work!


Finally it's there ... and it's awesome!
Instant Buy! Thx for the fantastic work!

Chris L.

I would also like to know about the grace period. From what date? I bought Q1 4 months ago, i guess that is too long ago (?)

Q2 seems like a great update!


Looking/sounding great! Very reasonable upgrade price in my case. Kudos & thanks to the Fabfilter team. ;-)


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