FabFilter User Forum

Volcano authorisation problem


I'm running Volcano in DP 4.61 in OS X.4.2 and I was having problems with it the other day (it wasn't receiving midi data). I tried trashing the Volcano.plist which resulted in me having to re-authorise the plug-in. I did so and got the close your host and relaunch message, but now, after quitting and re-launching DP, I repeatedly get the same message telling me that my demo period has elapsed and that I need to either purchase or enter my serial number. I've been through the process 5 or 6 times with no success. I also trashed everything Fabfilter or Volcano related I could find (except for the presets folder) and did a complete re-install and AU scan (trashed the AU info cache) and am still having the same problem. Basically the authorisation won't take.

Any suggestions? I have an older system drive backup on which Volcano still works fine but there have been a lot of changes to it since then which I'd rather preserve than clone the old version.




Hi Bill,

Do you have an upgrade license key for Volcano? If so, FabFilter One should be installed and authorized on your system in order for the license key to work.

You could try to copy the Volcano.plist from you older system that works to your current system. Otherwise, send us an e-mail and we'll solve the problem another way!


Floris (FabFilter)
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