FabFilter User Forum

Can Saturn do this?

I've watched the demo but didn't read the whole help file, so maybe it's there and I didn't see it: can you band-limit the distorted output of a band to frequencies of your choice, independent of those that define the band itself? I ask because some times if I want to add some sparkle to a track, I send a band-limited version of it to a distorter, then band-limit again the output of the distorter to a higher band of my choice, wherever I want those extra harmonics to appear. You can really fine-tune things this way and it gives you a lot of control over your distortion, you can choose whether it gives you body, presence, shine, air, etc.

Is this possible on a per-band basis in Saturn? I guess it would look a bit like the "free sidechain" in Pro MB, only here the "floating" band would be an output bandpass filter applied to a particular band. If not, any plans for a future upgrade, or is this crazy and I'm the only one who would want it??



Yes, and no.

Each band of distortion has a low, mid, hi, presence EQ. So by dropping all bands except one would give you a rough band-limit. But it doesn't carry a true filter that you can specify freq limits.

You should be able to create what you want simply by doing a parallel process. Saturn >> Pro-Q should solve it!


Thank you Ross, you're right about the EQ, I guess that would work in most cases where just shaping it roughly would be enough, but the parallel thing is how I do what I described for more precise band-limiting and was wondering whether it would be possible to do it within Saturn without the additional bus and EQ plugin.



Like Ross said, you can "shape" the output of each band with the EQ controls but it's not band-limited.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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