FabFilter User Forum

Possible Pro Q "bug"...

...or maybe a "feature", and I'm not quite sure if the problem is with Pro Q or with Studio One, so people using other DAWs may want to check this:

I have an instance of Pro Q where a number of filters have automation tracks. I also have some other filters that I used at first but have decided that I don't need anymore. If I delete any of those, the others are re-numbered, so that the automation tracks no longer correspond to the right filters.

I know I can get round this by:

  • just leaving the old filters there bypassed, which isn't very elegant and may mean that I hit the maximum number if I want to add new ones, or
  • figuring out which numbers correspond to which filters now, adding new automation tracks, copy/pasting the points and deleting the old tracks, but this takes time and is cumbersome.

I think that it would be very nice if, when you delete a filter, the numbers for the others stay the same, and then if you add new filters, the missing numbers are re-used.

Many thanks,

Happy as a lark Pro Q, Pro L and Pro DS user


Hi Cabrio,

You are correct: this is expected behavior in Pro-Q, and it will probably be changed/improved in a future major upgrade... Note that for Pro-MB, we already did this, and band's don't renumber when deleted (but can/will be reused of course).

And indeed: either leaving the unused bands bypassed, or updating automation targets is the only solution at the moment.


Floris (FabFilter)

Many thanks Floris for the quick reply, looking forward to that upgrade... I'm intrigued that it will be "major", could you give us a little preview?




...by the way, I just joined the forum so I don't know if this has been requested before, but I just purchased Pro MB and find the Tilt and Freeze features on the spectrum analyzer very useful. Maybe something that could be easily added to Pro Q as well in a future upgrade?

Also, as long as I'm requesting stuff, a couple more things that I would find very useful in Pro Q are a crosshair that follows the mouse and gives you a frequency / amplitude reading, like the one in Voxengo's SPAN, and also the horizontal zoom feature to help you spot frequencies and for when you have a few filters very close together and it's hard to see what's going on or select the right one with the mouse. Actually, if Pro Q had these, most of the time I wouldn't need SPAN at all, which means less clutter and faster workflow. Plus SPAN is great but it looks so ugly next to those gorgeous FabFilters... :-)




Second on the improved analyzer for Pro-Q. Something more like Pro-MB would even be good. As it is now, using Pro-Q with Maximum resolution and the fastest fall speed makes it look odd, but doing the same with Pro-MB works flawlessly.

Adam D
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