FabFilter User Forum

Congrats for the sound..and some question

hi guys!
i'm just evaluating Twin...
i think is one of the best virtual analog i've ever heard!!
smooth and punchy!

do you plan to add ring modulation and frequncy modulation (or better phase modulation) between the 2 oscs?

i'd like to have a pure sine osc too..




I'd like to second the comment requesting a sine oscillator!


Thanks guys! We'll think about the sine oscillator for the next update.


Floris (FabFilter)

... I'd just like to mention that the triangle wave in Twin is quite soft and sine-like, so it might meet your 'sine' needs for the moment :-)

Frederik (FabFilter)

and what about ring modulation and FM?



... we are investigating ring mod and FM, but that will probably be something you'll see in a next synthesizer.

Floris (FabFilter)

I'd just like to add my bit to this discussion.

I first used a FabFilter product when FF One was put on the cover disc of Computer Music. I used it for a while and thought that it was refreshing in the simple clarity of the interface but at the same time produced an excellent sound.

So, I installed the FF Twin evaluation on my machine. Again the interface is very clear and the sounds magnificent. This product is so much easier to use than the sort of synth that has loads of fiddly little buttons... so I bought it.

I should add that I use Ableton live as my DAW so that should give you some idea of my approach - keep the tech simple so you can get on with the music.

So my appeal to the developers would be - please keep the product simple and elegant like it is at the moment. There are many other virtual analogue synths out there but yours is unique.


Twin is a superb synthesizer as it is but I would very much like to see ring mod and fm in a future Fabfilter synth. It would expand the sound palette tremendously.

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