FabFilter User Forum

Input gain adjust for Pro-L?

Hi! I love the Pro-L limiter but I wish it were possible to reduce the input gain when I prefer to reduce the amount of limiting going on. Could this be added as a feature please?


Nigel W

Hi Nigel,

Pro-L doesn't have an input level control at the moment, only output level. We will keep this in mind for a future update!

Having said that, of course lowering input level of the plug-in would have the exact same effect as lowering the gain slider!


Floris (FabFilter)

Floris is right, adjusting the Gain slider is essentially adjusting the input, although it doesn't do negative numbers.

I've actually used this to my benefit, as gain staging is extremely important, even when working completely digital. If Pro-L is limiting with the Gain slider at 0db, then that means the plugin before it is outputting at higher than unity (0db), which should be avoided whenever possible.

Adam D
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