FabFilter User Forum

Things I'd like to see in Twin 3

My top feature request for Twin is to have per-voice XLFOs. Maybe it could be a new toggle in the XLFO settings, or maybe it could be a new type of XLFO. I think this will open up a whole new area of complex sound modulation potential for thicker sounds.

My second (lower priority) request is some basic FM synthesis options. Maybe an FM toggle can be introduced next to the ring modulation button between oscillators 1 and 2.

My third request is to try make modulation behavior clearer. The way the UI currently shows how XLFOs and envelopes are affecting the sound is a bit minimal and I think this could be improved. Also, when I modulate a modulator level, and it says I'm modulating "Slot X" that can get pretty confusing in complex presets. Maybe it could say "XLFO 1: Slot 1" or something like that? Or maybe if I'm adjusting the modulation amount on "Slot X" it could highlight the modulation target (instead of only highlighting the modulation sources when I click the target)? Currently I have to go click around on everything to figure out the modulation target.

Otherwise, I can't think of much else that would improve this synth without affecting the things that make it so good. I love that it's so straightforward and easy to see what's going on. I've learned how to program subtractive synths from scratch using this plugin. It's really helped me improve my music production skills, so thank you!


I agree with point one and for those XFLOs I should like to see some possibilities for dotted and triplet notes - not only in Twin but in all the FabFilters XFLOs I have. Many other suppliers deliver dots and triplets and multi waveform LFOs

Point two I think some FM would come handy (even easier than FM8!) and why not some granular, but low priority for me too

Good point point three: a modulation matrix might break up your GUI, but it gets hard to navigate sometimes and see what "m" belongs where; and in Saturn you get a very long menu-list hard to navigate and remember once you start tweaking with 3 to 5 bands - why not simple folder system???

BUUUT don't get me wrong - I too find your fine plucks fab! :-)

per olsen

I agree with point one and for those XFLOs I should like to see some possibilities for dotted and triplet notes - not only in Twin but in all the FabFilters XFLOs I have. Many other suppliers deliver dots and triplets and multi waveform LFOs

Point two I think some FM would come handy (even easier than FM8!) and why not some granular, but low priority for me too

Good point point three: a modulation matrix might break up your GUI, but it gets hard to navigate sometimes and see what "m" belongs where; and in Saturn you get a very long menu-list hard to navigate and remember once you start tweaking with 3 to 5 bands - why not simple folder system???

BUUUT don't get me wrong - I too find your fine plucks fab! :-)

per olsen

Wavetables for the oscilators, all I want.


+1 Wavetables/more osc types

MSEG for mod sources wouldn't hurt either ;)


Thanks for all the suggestions, we'll keep them in mind! :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)
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