FabFilter User Forum

Pro-L Suggestion: Sidechain Input for Stem Mastering

I would like to see Fabfilter Pro-L integrate a sidechain input option. Brainworx currently offers this but I honestly think Fabfilter Pro-L sounds MUCH more transparent than Brainworx mastering limiter.

By having a sidechain input option one can feed a non-limited version of the entire mix into the sidechain input of the limiter while having the limiter act on individual stems. If done correctly this would allow a Mastering Engineer to deliver Mastered stems to a client that would sum back to 0dB (or whatever the output of Pro-L is set to) and sound just like a 2 channel stereo master.

Peter Farr

Hi Peter,

Interesting idea! I think it is not that easy to add, but we'll think about it for a future Pro-L update.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I second this. We love the Pro-L and use it constantly in music for film and TV, where stems are mandatory for the mix stage. We would like our set of stems to equal the full stereo mix, which would require a sidechain input to the Pro-L. We haven't found an alternative to Pro-L's sound quality, so we would prefer not to switch limiters. So a big +1 to this feature request!



I would love to use it for stems as well. I then could use those stems in Live and play a mastered live set.


Another vote from me. Would be invaluable for stem delivery for film.


In the case of the Live set, couldn't you just put a Pro-L on the mains?


I would also like to see this feature added. I also requested in Wavelab to add some auxiliary send paths so stem mastering in Wavelab could be quite easy when paired with Pro-L if side-chain were to be added.

Justin Perkins

Yup, I'm currently in need of this as well.

Sivert Henriksen



I too would love this feature for delivering stems that match the stereo master.

Andrew Blizzard

Isnt the point of delivering stems leaving the option to "remix"? And if I do... Would I really want sidechained limited tracks then. If I remove the drums for whatever reason... How would that sound with sidechained limited tracks.
I'm just an amateur so please educate me as I dont see the benefit of such feature.


Side chain would be great, I use a side chain limiter for mixing voice over and music for TVCs.


Need this, too!

Joris Weimar

I need this too. I've been looking for it for a long time.
I thought I found it and bought the Brainworx bx_XL V2 only to realise that everything in that plugin is sidechainable BUT the peak stop at the end. Ugh.
So there's no way to get a brickwalled mix resulting from your side chain limited stems. (if that's even possible, I THINK/HOPE it should be if the peak stops can be side chained)
Very frustrating that there's no limiter that can do this.

The bx_limiter doesn't even have a key input, so I'm not sure why they call that a stem limiter.

Neither of them do what I'm looking for in a stem limiter.

So please, someone... put a damn sidechain input on your peak stop limiter.

Yvo van Gemert

We will certainly add this feature to the future update!

Floris (FabFilter)

Wow! Floris, any idea when that update will be coming out?

Looking forward to the update, would be huge for workflow and sonic possibilities in projects where stems come into play.

+1 for this feature... Pro L is my go-to limiter for my mix bus... blah blah blah everything he/she said!


Jack DeBoe

Thanks jack!

Floris (FabFilter)

Is there any DAW mixer that has delay compensation for side chains? Protools certainly doesn't. The lack of this makes brick wall limiting a chore since the transient always gets by before the side chained signal gets to the detector.


Studio One.



Looking at this thread it seems that the only DAW you can master stems is Studio one? is this correct?
I've been trying and searching how to master my stems so the sum is the same as the Mastered mix. I know in theory how to do this and the side chain feature of FF stuff is in theory great.
Unfortunately Logic Pro doesn't have the delay compensation, Pro Tools 12 has only the mono key input so these are useless. I tried on Reaper... didn't work.

I can't believe how difficult it is to do such a simple and straight forward job.
BTW, I need to master stems for TV and have been asked to do this.. so do i have to go and learn yet another DAW?

Am I missing something here?


It will work in Cubase and Reaper should work as well as it's so modular... although it can be a little fiddly to set up.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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