FabFilter User Forum

FF Pro-MB on EDM and heavy transient tracks.

I would like to know if it's better to use the pro-mb on linear phase, dynamic phase or minimum phase on edm or other heavy transient tracks, because I feel that linear phase is not the best option despite being the ''highest quality'' one cause it adds lots of latency.


I mostly use it in dynamic phase mode, but the reality is you're going to have to use your ears.

Linear phase isn't the "highest quality" mode, it's just a different mode that has it's own strengths and weaknesses. But I wouldn't worry about the latency, most DAWs will compensate for that so your channels won't slip out of time.

Minimum phase will introduce phase problems, but the extent that damages your transients will vary.

Linear phase will introduce pre-ringing problems, which may dampen the impact of your transients, and will only become a problem when you use very sharp filters (eg 48db/oct).

Dynamic phase will introduce phase shifts, but they aren't static so when the compression kicks in on a transient there will be a sudden phase shift which may actually increase the impact, but that will depend on the settings and the material.


Thanks a lot! I tried it out and dynamic one works the best for me.

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