FabFilter User Forum

Multi-instance grouping?

Pro-MB sounds amazing and I love it. One thing missing that would make it essentially perfect is multi-instance grouping. Blue Cat has multi band plugins which can be inserted on different channels and have the ability to side chain or route audio to each other through internal grouping.

If Pro-MB had this, I could have instances on different channels and side chain certain bands to each other through the plugin itself e.g. have the high mids of one synth route directly to the side chain input of pro-mb on another channel.

While this is certainly doable within many DAWs, it's generally a very tedious tasking process that often involves creating one or two extra channels every time I want to do this.

Is there any hope of there ever being an "internal" routing option within the FabF plugins to achieve these kinds of things? It's essentially the only thing missing as far as i'm concerned.

Rafik Lababidi
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