FabFilter User Forum

Pro MB - Use on whole tracks to split freq's.

Dear Fabfilter team,

Currently testing your fantastic sounding MB compressor - however perhaps not using it for it's intended purpose.

I am bring in whole tracks from my DJ software into ableton, where I'm splittng the frequencies of the track into seperate channels to apply effects to defined frequency ranges of the track, before outputting all parts back to the master channel.

I'm trying to use MB to do this as transparently as possible.

I notice if I use the 3 band preset, set to Dynamic Phase - even if I have all 3 bands muted, I am still getting a bit of audio from around the crossover points (as shown visually in the VST).

Would you recommend Minimum or Linear phase for my purpose (as both have null output if all 3 bands a muted).


Simon Leafington

Hi Simon,

Yes, for your purpose, you would need Minimum or Linear phase. Dynamic Phase doesn't actually split bands, but applies intelligent dynamic filtering that matches multiband dynamics processing :-)

Floris (FabFilter)

Hi Floris and team,

Thanks for the reply. I have another question I hope posting here in this thread is ok to do.

Using Linear, I notice there is a audable latency (around 50ms, hard to tell)? This is no problem for me, but what I would like to know is the following.

I have 3 seperate channels in Ableton with 3 instances of Pro-MB. Each is solo'ing a specific band of frequencies (low-mid-hi).

All 3 instances are configured exactly the same, using Linear phase.

Can I expect that all 3 channel output would be having the exact same latency as each other, or is there possible variations in the resulting latency of these 3 bands due to the width of the band etc?

Ideally, I'm hoping the latency is exactly the same so I can trust that the output, although delayed, is intact.


Simon Leafington

... since I am not processing the signal whatsoever (compression is disabled), can I assume that any instance of Pro-MB will introduce the same amount of latency into the chain, no matter what the input is (a song, a sine wave, silence etc..)

Simon Leafington
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