FabFilter User Forum

Looking for Info on Distortion in Timeless2

The help file contains little information about the distortion/overdrive effect, other than that the "Metal" filter style features distortion. A Sound on Sound review says the amount of distortion is level-dependent.

Those two snippits are the sum total of every scrap of information I could find on the subject!

Any information regarding how distortion works in Timeless would be most appreciated.


I'm not sure if you are asking what the different distortions do or how to drive them in Timeless 2.

In general I believe the distortions add even and/or odd harmonics and have particular clipping behaviors that give them their particular sounds. Perhaps Frederik might have more to say on this.

As far as driving the distortion, increase the input knob on the far left of Timeless 2 and you will hear the distortions increase. You can exaggerate the dynamic quality of this by putting an envelope follower on the input volume control itself. If the filter peaks have any effect on distortion drive I think it is probably very subtle.

FabFilter has done a great job of making things super easy to modulate. The next step for them I think will be to make things super easy to grasp. Things like modulation range markers and animations on knobs and sliders, VU meters, etc would go a long way.

Greg Houston

Thanks for the reply, Greg. I'm looking for both: information about the nature of the distortion and how it varies with different filter types, as well as usage tips.

I am getting some answers by experimentation. For example, all filter modes give a complete harmonic series, both odd and even harmonics. Modes differ only in relative levels of harmonics, e.g. the "Tube" mode accentuates the 3rd harmonic, while the "Gentle" and "Easygoing" types increase the 2nd harmonic. The harmonic content also varies with input drive, not just in amplitude but also in the relative levels of each harmonic.

This is the kind of information I'm looking for. But I'd also be happy to just hear about specific combinations that others have found useful.

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