FabFilter User Forum

Purchase plugins twice?

If I've purchased plugins for auria and want to also used the same ones on my daw on my Mac, do I need to buy them again or is there a serial number I can enter on the Mac version?


Well seeing as how the auria plugins are significantly cheaper than the full desktop version I'd be pretty surprised it it were free. There might be a crossgrade deal if you can prove ownership of the auria license but at the very least it'll be another purchase. Otherwise, there'd be no reason to buy the desktop version if everyone could just buy the auria version at a significant discount.

That being said, the guys at fabfilter are pretty cool and always help out with stuff. Never hurts to email support. :)


We can't do this -- for one thing, Apple doesn't give us access to purchase records. As Sam remarked, the Auria plugins are way cheaper than the regular plugins as well.


Frederik (FabFilter)

What about the other way around. I've purchased Fab Filter stuff for desktop iOS any discount for Auria purchases? Just throwing it out there ;)

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