FabFilter User Forum

Fab Pro L metering

Hi all,
perhaps I am overlooking something but...
is there any way to use just the metering part of Fab ProL ?
I am on logic, when I bypass the plugin, the metering also goes off.
It would be nice to me to have the option to just use the meter of the ProL. Maybe just a stripped down plugin version of its meter, or an internal bypass mode so the meter is on but no gain reduction is going on.
Maybe it's there and I didn't see it?

I'd like to use the meter only because to me it's one of the clearest, most accurate meters around.

All the best,
keep rocking with those plugins!!


There is currently no way to do what you want... You can leave the gain slider at 0 dB, but then Pro-L will still limit against the 0 dB level.

A dedicated metering plugin is on our wish list. :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)

thanks for anwers, can't wait for the metering plugin then :)

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