FabFilter User Forum


I would imagine that FabFilter could build one hell of a panning plug-in. Is there even the remotest of chances this could happen in the future?


I've used Volcano for some pretty great panning effects. Timeless, too! Have you tried them?

Or by 'panning' do you mean something more like a spatializer / reverb kinda thing? I could go for that.


i tried briefly with saturn (multi-band panning), i'll try with timeless and/or volcano. i'm kinda looking for a relatively low cpu-intensive device.

i just figured these guys could put their usual twist on the simple panner and really make something special.


I'm sure the FF guys can do a great panner given their skill, but have you checked audio damage's panstation?


it's not multiband, but still very useful and pretty powerful (not to mention easy on the eyes ;). depending on your DAW of choice it can meet pretty much all your panning needs.

might tide you over until something better comes along.


yep, i have panstation and i think it's great (great functionality, great customer service). and so far as i can tell, the only folks i can think of that could top it would be FF.


ah, well fair enough then.

for the record, I totally agree both about AD products and support, and FF potentially making one heck of a panner.


+1 for a fabfilter advanced autopanner......killer!

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