FabFilter User Forum

Two qn's: Update version history & vanishing GUI's

Hey good FF people,

Two questions please if I may:

1) How can I find out when an item was last updated and what change(s) were made?

Which may fix my next question.

2) I own a lot of your plugins and they all have the same GUI refresh bug. I will be using it perfectly and after about 20 or so (havent counted) refreshes the GUI will go completely blank (white actually). This started happening when the code was rewritten to use the video card instead of the CPU, so maybe 12mths ago.

My DAW is offline, so updating plugs is a bit of a faff hence why I've not done it. I'm hoping the good folk at FF will tell me this has been fixed and I'll update immediately :)

I'm on PC 32bit & Cubase 4.5. Think that's all you need... Let me know otherwise.



1. You can check the version number on our download page (www.fabfilter.com/download/) and compare it to the version number of a plugin in its Help > About dialog.

We always add a news item when we release an update here: www.fabfilter.com/news

If you're a FabFilter user or subscriber, we also send a newsletter when updates are released.

2. I would definitely upgrade to the latest versions because we did a number of fixes since we first introduced GPU-accelerated interfaces. But it does sound like a video driver bug to me, so are you also using the latest driver for your graphics card?

You can always turn off graphics acceleration if the above solutions don't help:


Frederik (FabFilter)

1. Oh yes of course. Apologies for being silly. Need more coffee obviously.

2. Yes you're right. Perhaps I should just refresh them all. Definitely can't hurt.

Re the driver update: Probably not. But before you shake your finger at me, I don't believe in changing a working system ;) Apart from this GUI issue everything else works flawlessly so I probably still won't update the driver.

And brilliant info re the ability to turn graphics acceleration off. I'll resort to this if the updates don't fix it.

BTW, thanks much for your plugs. Love 'em to bits (no pun intended).

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