FabFilter User Forum

spectrum display of ProQ and ProMB harmonization


The spectrum display of ProQ and ProMB differ in their settings.

For instance: proQ represent white noise as flat, while proMB shows a real rise towards the high frequency.
But proMB is not even flat with pink noise as it is still showing a rise toward the high frequencies.

My wish would be that both plug-ins would display in the same way the spectrum, and that it would give a flat response for pink noise.

What do you think?

Best regards.


This is because we added a tilt option to the spectrum analyzer in Pro-MB, which defaults to 4.5 dB/octave. If you click on the Analyzer menu in the bottom bar, then Tilt, you can set it to 0 dB/octave which should give the same results as Pro-Q.


Frederik (FabFilter)


I totally missed that!

thanks a lot for your answer.
My wish then would be either that ProQ had the same feature, or that default tilt for ProQ would be 3dB/Octave (so that pink noise would be flat).

Best regards.

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