FabFilter User Forum

Volcano 2 - gui updates based on modulation

hi. first of all, great work on volcano 2. one thing i notice missing is the GUI updated to reflect changes made by external control. for example: midi clip cc envelope mapped to cutoff frequency. as the cutoff frequency is modulated by said envelope, it'd be nice to see where it's starting and where it's ending in volcano's interface. as it stands, i have to guess as to what midi value approximates where i want the modulation to start and where i want it to end. does a midi value of 127 = 75616hz cutoff frequency? if any of this is unclear please let me know.

i'm using "MIDI Source" and not midi learn. ableton live is my host.


- jim


Hi Jim,

Currently our plugins don't show the 'live' parameter values when you modulate them with a modulation source. This is on our wish list for future versions though.

If you modulate a parameter such as the cutoff frequency, the value from the modulation source is added to the parameter value that you set with the Cutoff knob. So you can tune the Cutoff knob together with the modulation slot level to achieve the effect that you're after.


Frederik (FabFilter)

no sweat...not an insurmountable obstacle. glad to hear it may get implemented in the future.

thanks for the response.


fyi: this appears to only apply to "modulation source". using regular "midi learn" results in gui updates of parameter modulation/automation.


Just to add my support for an animated GUI (as an option of course). It would help greatly to be able to see just how the filters are being modulated by the LFOs etc. It would be very useful as a teaching aid, too, for somebody new to synthesis.


+1 for animation.

Animation would help considerably when even just a single modulator is effecting a parameter. When multiple modulators are effecting a parameter the usefulness of animation can't be expressed enough.

Greg Houston

Adding this visual feature to Volcano would be amazing - have thought about it many times and so must chime in here to say 'yes please!'


Animation would be awesome. Yes please.


I vote for this also!

And I wish you could assign modulation to the link dot to make it simpler to modulate multiple filters without having to set it up for each one.

I realize this could make a conflict with existing modulation, but this is easily solved by just adding the modulations together.


I would love to be able to see the "INTERNAL" modulators (LFOs, ENv, etc) to update the GUI as they modulate things.

That would be the most amazing and useful addition for myself. :)

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