FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q Spectrum Analyser Bug in Auria

Firstly , Can i say thanks for bringing pro-q etc to the iPad. It's nice to have some pro quality plugins and the GUI's are awesome.

I've been having a problem with pro Q in Auria, and hoped you might have a fix or a workaround

I'm using Pro-q's analyser to see what frequencies are being output from the filters in iPolysix while self resonating.

This is great for designing sounds such as Kick Drums and Bass and works great.

The problem is that somewhere between 30 secnds and five mins of playing audio through the plugin the Analyser starts to show frequncies which are not part of the audio.

I tested this by playing a sine wave though the analyser which shows the fundamental and a couple of higher hamonics as it should.

After a minute or two the analyser starts to show frequencies below , between and above the harmonics leaving it impossible to see where the real ausio is in the spectrum.

The resulting spectrum curve looks almost like white noise going through a low pass filter with a fairly wide slope.

Once this happens it doesn't matter what audio i play through it the Analyser shows a full frequency spectrum with the high's tailing off until they eventualy hit the -75 db floor at about 5khz.

I've tried this with audio Tracks AND synths via Audiobus but same happens in both scenarios

Could you let me know if this is a known bug or is there any more info you need to fix it ?

Many Thanks


Auria User

PS i'm on an iPad 4 with 64mb ram and had this problem within IOS6

The same occurs after upgrading to IOS7 except Pro-Q / Auria Eventually Hang now as mentioned in another thread on here

Auria User

We'll look into the problem to see if we can reproduce it. Sorry for the late response.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks Federick,

Sorry for my late response too :-)

Any news on this one ? The Pro Q analyzer Is the best part for me, are there any workarounds like setting buffer settings etc


Auria User

We've submitted new plugins to WaveMachine Labs which should fix this issue. I believe they're working on a new release which should include them right now.


Frederik (FabFilter)

This is the Best News i've had allday

Thanks for continuing to support the Platform :-)

Auria User

I can confirm that the updates have been released now.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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