FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter Auria problems under v1.13 and ios 7

I have been using the excellent FabFilter plugins for auria on the ipad for the last year with no problems. Unfortunately since upgrading to ios 7 and auria 1.13 I have experienced instant crashes when selecting some FabFilter presets within auria across the range of FabfFilter plug ins. Wave labs say this is bug in the FabFilter code. Please could you give an idea when this bug will be fixed, as it currently makes the plugins unusable.


Gavin Clarke

Hi Gavin,

We're going to do what we can to fix it as soon as possible!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Great! Thanks for the swift response

Gavin Clarke

Hi there,
Just like to say this all seems to be fixed in auria 1.14.
Thanks for turning it around so quickly,

Gavin Clarke

Good to hear that the new version is already available!


Frederik (FabFilter)
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