FabFilter User Forum

simple push buttons for mod page select in twin?

One of my small frustrations with the Twin interface is that I have to select modulation pages using the pulldown control. Why not just put three buttons there or a three valued switch? One click instead of a click, drag & hold?

This way you could even provide an enable/disable switch for toggling entire mod pages on and off.



Good news! This will be in the upcoming update of Twin!


Floris (FabFilter)

This is great news.

I hope there will be some visual difference in the buttons depending on whether or not a page has any modulation routings. In other words the page button can be "greyed out" if there are no routings on that page (much in the same way that the modulation matrix knobs are greyed out if they are not in use).


Hi Simon,

Thanks for the suggestion, we'll take it into account!

Frederik (FabFilter)

Ok. That cinches it. I'm going to finally break down and buy it. I just have to decide if I want Volcano too. Love that UI.


Oh yeah - I like Simon's suggestion. It would be great if the mod page buttons changed color to indicate whether or not there were any active mods in that page.


Nevermind. Just tried out some of the volcano arpeggio presets on a few drum loops. Very nice. Just ordered both.

The t-shirt order link doesn't seem to work though. Are they still available?


I have just fixed the T-shirt order option, thanks for letting us know!

Frederik (FabFilter)
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