FabFilter User Forum

Saturn, modulating drive with input signal


Is it possible in Saturn to have the amount of drive controlled by how loud the input signal is? (so the louder the input the more drive/distortion there is on it). This kind of dynamic distortion behviour would sound really good. At the moment when the Drive is pushed higher it feels like you get the same full on distortion regardless of how loud or soft the input is and I'd like to have more variation in this regard in a way that simply assigning to envelope follower doesn't provide.



Hi Laurence,

Sure, you could try to do this by modulating the Drive knob using an Envelope Generator! Have you tried that?

Floris (FabFilter)

Yeah I tried that, and whilst that works great for envelope following behaviour that isn't the same as acting like a true threshold, if there was some way to directly modulate drive amount to input level peak going into Saturn that would be awesome. Have 'Input Level' as a new selectable mod source :)

For an example of more dynamic distortion behaviour checkout SDRR by Klanghelm as there seems to be some of this inherently built into its sound.


Floris mentioned using an envelope generator, but an envelope follower would probably be better as this would follow the input level exactly:


Frederik (FabFilter)
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