FabFilter User Forum

Pro-DS Release Control

I've been using Pro-DS for about two weeks now and absolutely love it for numbing sibilance in vocals, but I have a few VAs who love to draw out and stutter their 'S' a bit for certain characters. The result is that Pro-DS produces a buffeting effect in response, and it's not very pleasant.

With other de-essing methods or plug-ins, I'd automate the release a bit to reduce or prevent the buffeting effect at that specific point, but no such luck with Pro-DS's otherwise smart controls.

What strategies do you typically employ for tackling these situations?

@FabFilter: are there any plans for a 'release override' function sometime in Pro-DS's future? Or another planned update that might alleviate this issue?


TD Gary


Have you tried the Allround mode in Pro-DS? This makes it behave more like a classic de-esser.

Otherwise, can you send us a small sound file (use the Contact link at the bottom of this page) so we can examine it?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Whoa, forgot I made this topic.

Yeah, I fiddled with some settings right after posting that and finally got a good sound. A great sound, even!

This really is a nice de-esser, I gotta say. I've not even bothered with my old Waves standby since then. Props to you guys!


Thanks! :-)

Frederik (FabFilter)
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