FabFilter User Forum


Hi, cubase doesn't seem to respond to any read+write data. I followed the usual presidure, even get an automation track but no data. I have this problem with a few other synths too(but not all).


Can you describe which steps you take exactly? Maybe we can trace were it goes wrong at your side. If you're using a midi-controller then use the generic remote within cubase(see the manual), it will make things much easier.


The way i do automation on most of my vst's+vsti's is open the plugin, chech the "w" press play then adjust mod wheel/filter controls of what ever needed. Then uncheck the "w" and chech the "r" and play again listening to changes made. This prosess did not work of fab twin. Does it have a different way of recording data?


Hi Chris?

Do you change Twin parameters using MIDI controllers or using the knobs in Twins interface?

Normally, automation will only work when adjusting a plugins parameters using its own interface.

Floris (FabFilter)

Hi Floris, I have set the synth up so mod wheel controls both filters and pitchbent is routed to osc1 pitch. I have been using the joystick on my novation x-station to control parametes while trying to automate.
P.S I hear changes respond to joystick movements.


I love the sound of the twin and think the design is very clever and intuative. Not trying to be nasty but I think not being able to be automated from a midi controler is a major design flaws. Why have the option at bottom of gui for mod wheel to be assigned to other parameters? Via a mouse only one parameter can be automated at once where as with a controler the only limitation is number of fingers. I was trying to automate both filters via wheel. Filters are set to paralel mode for mega bandpass but this configuration cannot be automated by mouse as both filters movement needs to be presisly matched.
I love the fact it has 3 lfos+ 3 envelopes but at times something a bit more organic is needed.
Cheers Chris


Hi Chris,

First about automating two filters at once, here's a trick that most people overlook: when you change the filter frequency or peak knob while holding down the ALT-key, both filters are adjusted at the same time. (this also works for the oscillator properties).

Furthermore, another tip: apart from using automation, you can of course always record the actual midi data of the controller, so the plug will just receive the midi when you playback.

We'll look further into this automation issue.


Floris (FabFilter)

Floris is right about the ALT-key. It's in the manual (Tips & tricks), and I use it to get both Filters at once. Really handy ;).

Chris: A couple of options you might want to look at which can help resolve your problem:
1)Maybe you forgot to send the midi data Cubase receives from your controller to the VST by first making a midi-track, then activating the little speaker-icon (monitor) on that same track and assigning the track to Twin. Also make sure Midi signals are sent to automation tracks by going to File > Preferences > Midi > there you tick the first option that says 'MIDI Controller Input to Automation Tracks'.
2)I would really have a look at Generic Remote in Cubase. It will make it all so easy for you to automate anything you want and beyond.
Hope some of this helps.


Ok I have been playing around more, my set up is fine I have no problems controling the plug in form my controler. As Floris said automation cant be done if Gui does not cange so that rules out using the mod wheel to be assigned to any other function for automation. I have found with the alt key both filters change, but only If I control filter with a mouse not via controler. Automation is recorded though but only for the filters that moved. I could change the cc numbers on twin so they are both controled by the same pot, but only realy useful when this filter configuration is used.


Hi chris,

I just tried using the modwheel on my controller and assigned it a parameter and can record automation with it just fine. Again using the Generic Remote in Cubase.


Hi guys, sorry if this is giving you lot a headacke.
I am useing cubase SE1.06 which has some limitations, I cant for example send midi from controler to vst effects(will change to metro as soon as cash allows).
I spent the evening experimenting with it and instead of using fabfilter one's controler template I have made a new controler template for twin. Automation is fine via contoler on everything but mod wheel and pitchbend. Maybe a SE limitations as whist recording I hear all changes I make rather than a generic remote prob.
Something I did encounter though was problems with useing alt key to adjust 2 knobs at once. Useing the mouse it works every time but with the controler it only worked very occasionly(gui was left open continuosly so settings remained the same).
Cheers Chris

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