FabFilter User Forum

Pro-G feature request - split band processing.

Hi FF.

Just a feature request for your consideration regarding Pro-G.

Today i was mixing some poorly recorded drums with a lot of bleed in the snare mic. A feature that would have been very convenient would be the ability to do individual band processing (like Saturn), so i could have a faster hold/release on the high-end and slower release on the low-end, to carve out a bit of cymbals while still keeping the low and mids long. I would imagine this could also work very well for (poorly recorded) kick-drums ..

.. anyway, just a thought :)


Noted! :-)


Frederik (FabFilter)

Split-band processing in Pro-G is also on my wish list.

I am using ducking mode and often I want to duck only certain parts of the spectrum.

Regards, Mikael

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