FabFilter User Forum

Pro-L and Clipping in Studio One

Odd behavior. I've got Studio One's project mode up, since I'm mastering for a CD (this is the demo of S1, I'm still evaluating for purchase), and I've got Pro-L at the end of my insert plugin chain. It's set with some gain boosting but it's not terribly aggressive - I think maybe 3db, and I've got the output gain dialed down just a smidge (like .2db). The track itself should just barely be pushing 0db, except for an occaisonal peak. I'm not pushing hard against the threshold.

It's a 96khz file, I've got oversampling on, and I'm using a minor variation of the "breakbeat" preset for attack and release.

Studio One reports that the track is clipping at .7db over.

That...shouldn't be happening. I've used Pro-L in Logic and Live and Waveburner with much more extreme settings and never had a clipping incident.

So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Any ideas?


Hi Eric,

Because of the oversampling within Pro-L, the limited signal gets downsampled to 96k and this can introduce small peaks beyond 0 dB again. That's why we added the ISP mode for the level meter, and this is also why you sometimes need a lower output level setting. In short, when using oversampling in Pro-L, we advise you to turn on ISP metering and reduce the output level until the level meter no longer clips.

You can read all about it here:


Frederik (FabFilter)

Frederik is correct, I've been using .12db below 0 on my output level in Pro-L and have never had an over, even while testing out some ridiculous settings. You won't even hear the difference.

Adam D

Dear fabfilter.com admin, You always provide useful information.

Romeo Daly
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