FabFilter User Forum

Cubase 7 mac/pc problem with fabs

i have Cubase 7.05 on my desktop PC and macbook pro with demo fab pro-C in each.
when i save project on PC and open in mac version of cubase , plugin is missing and vise versa.
in plugin manager i see - pro c - fabfilter(vendor) - working
and pro c - steinberg(vendor) - missing.
in separate projects plugins work fine.
how solve that incompatibility?

p.s. Sorr for my bad(mb not) english..im russian


.. try and check the plugin-information on the mac, and see if it is the VST2.4 or VST3 version that is installed. This can be chosen during the installation of the plugins. You need to use the same VST-version on both machines for the sessions to be compatible.

I recommend you use VST3 on both machines.

i use only vst3 verions on both
in mac plugin info of steinberg i see that fab pro c (clone) missing in cubase.app direction )
that happens only when i open project saved on pc
i use dropbox for it


save on mac - miss on pc
save on pc - miss on mac
all vst3 (other not installed or removed)



This is a known problem, due to an unfortunate mismatch between the Mac and Windows versions in the VST 3 versions of Pro-C and Twin 2. If you need to share projects on Mac and Windows, we advise to use VST 2 instead of VST 3. Our apologies for the inconvenience!


Frederik (FabFilter)

VST2 versions have no side-chain option in Cubase ((. I will wait for updates that may be correct this incompatibility.


Unfortunately we can't fix this in an update (otherwise we'd have done that ages ago), because that would break compatibility with existing sessions.

There is a workaround to use VST 2 plugins with sidechain in Cubase, see here:


Frederik (FabFilter)
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