FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilter Pro Q, Sound !

Fabfilter PRO Q ( My opinion on the EQ )

Hi and thank's for great products.

First of all i must say that im very pleased with the PRO Q
it's GUI is fantastic, easy to work with
and adjust every EQ band, has never been easier.
The funktions, and look / feel of this EQ
is just superb, great work there.

I know this EQ is made to be clean and a non coloring
and pure " Digital ", it does that perfectly well.

An EQ ,is an sound-engineers first and most important
tool to use in the production chain.
On every track / Bus and Master.

There is loads of EQ's of diffrent types on the market
today,both good freeware and Commercial products.
Bad and good products.

The problem is:

Because there's so many EQ's out there
with it's own charateristic's, it is hard to find
just 1 or 2 EQ's that you use all the time.
Forcing people to maybe have like 5-10 EQ's and
more. That will confuse the user, more or less what
EQ to use in diffrent situations.
And it will be a compromise on what EQ to use,
or even stack 2-3 EQ,'s on as insert to get the
sound you want.
Causing a massive CPU load for each track..

Now as i have explored Fabfilter PRO Q
With it's superb GUI and funtions
it is for me, " Almost " the greatest EQ.

BUT..! " outch here it comes ? "

Fabfilter PRO Q, is great at doing it's work
as an " Digital " EQ.

As i can hear, for me the sound is too Digital
and without any life or charater in the
frequencies bands, and it is great for cutting
and editing frequencies out.

This EQ, if you want it to boost and have character
it looses itself there... No sweet tonal quality
is coming out of it. it's lifeless to say !
That is my opinion.

So what can we do to improve this !

I do not know about how to make a plugin
or how filters do work, and what makes
" Magic " in the tonalty quality some EQ's

I will leave this question for the Fabfilter team
to develop and add a " Analog " option in the
processing button in the bottom of the EQ.

That will change the filter's, once selected
to operate as an Analog sweet coloring EQ !

Then i would be very pleased ;-)

Ok that was my short opinion, i hope this
can be achived in some way.

thanks for hearing me out
and thanks for great produkts so far.



Here is an link to a somple but yet powerful
and great tonality type EQ, to give an idea
of what i mean in the post above :


Hi Jan,

Thanks for your feedback. FabFilter Pro-Q is meant to be a transparent EQ, but we do agree that a coloring EQ might be a great addition to our plugin collection in the future.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Will be looking forward to an Analog type EQ.

I found somthing here thats worth a try out.
Download link is below in the description under the video.

Try this after your EQ :

Blue Heat " freeware " Analog warmer !

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