FabFilter User Forum

Timeless 2 Input modulation

The Input knob on Timeless 2 is highly sensitive to modulation depth.

For example, modulate the Input knob via a XY controller with the default depth of "0.160" on the X axis. [To simplify hearing the result set delay times to min (5ms) and turn off dry signal]. Moving the XY controller only a little in the negative X direction (from center) the input is effectively at MIN (-36db). Move controller in positive X direction a little and it's at MAX (+36db).

It just doesn't behave like other knobs with the same modulation depth. With a depth of "0.160" it shouldn't be reaching MIN or MAX at full controller throw let alone only 10% (approx) throw.


Hi Steve,

Thanks for reporting this. We'll look into improving the modulation range, but this will have to wait until a new major version: we can't change this in a minor update because that would break existing sessions.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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