FabFilter User Forum

Upgrade license problems

Hi Guys!

A few of our upgrading users, especially One owners as it seems, are having problems with their license keys.

Your problem could have something to do with a minor bug that has been solved in the first hours after the release at 21 December. This bug causes upgrade license keys to be accepted but sometimes not recognized correctly.

So if you have downloaded the demo version right after the release, please download Twin from our website again and install it over te current version. (Also, always make sure to copy the hole license key, including the "Licensee: ..." part)

If this does not help, please e-mail us and we will solve the problem right away in another way!


Floris (FabFilter)

I just confirmed that if you own FabFilter One but not FabFilter Volcano, your upgrade license will not be accepted, even by the newer version. In this case, please e-mail us and we'll send you a key that works. We'll try to fix this problem as soon as possible!

Frederik (FabFilter)

That solved my problem. Thank you Floris & Frederik!


Problem now solved. Many thanks guys and have a great Christmas or whatever else you celebrate.


We have just released a new 1.01 version that should fix all upgrade problems. Our apologies!

Frederik (FabFilter)
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