FabFilter User Forum

Weird crashing with saved Cubase projects


Hopefully someone can help me.

I have FabFilter Pro-C, Pro-Q and Pro-L and everything has been running smoothly, until I opened up a saved project in Cubase 7.

When selecting any FabFilter plug-in I get this message:

"An exception occurred. Save your work and restart the application. The exception was thrown because of the plugin:"

"(Enter any Fabfilter plug-in here)"

I do not get this for a new project, only for saves.

I'm running Cubase 7.1 and in 64 bit on Windows 7.

I've tried downloading and reinstalling the plug-ins, but nothing worked.

Has anyone got an idea or can anyone help?

It's driving me mad.

I love the FabFilter plug-ins and was about to add the Gate.

Thanks for reading.

Kind regards,



We'll try to reproduce the problem and will get back to you! Anyone else having this issue with Cubase 7?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi again,

I thought I'd solved this by reinstalling everything, but after starting a new project and adding a few parts I'm getting the same error message as before :(

Hope you can help.




Hi there,

I had exactly this problem. after reinstalling my windows installation it was fixed.

However, the problem came back when i installed some Free VST effect. i got the message with all fab filter and a couple of other brands, including the bad vst i installed later.

Upon removing the bad vst the whole thing whent back to normal.

My suggestion. Either start over with a fresh new windows and VST directory. Or if you dont want to do that. delete your entire vst directory and add the ones you want most first. (fabfilter! :D)
Check if the problem occurs again. Then keep adding vsts. if the problem comes back, you know one of the last ones installed caused it.

What you also could do is make a brand new vst directory, and install the vsts into there to find the culprit. then delete that vst from your old directory, and direct cubase back to the old one. this might be quicker.

This problem isnt a problem with fabfilter, but maybe more with how cubase handles some errors in it's vst directory.

Hope this helps you :)

Sebastian Huskins

i had the same problem in cubase elements 7 i.ve had the same problem with fab filter plugz the only othe plugins i have are waves witch i installed first but yes i have the same problem frederik

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