FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C side-chaining on an Return channel in Ableton

Is there any way to do this?

I want to side chain multiple signals using only one instance of the plug.

However, if Pro-C is sitting on the returnaux channel, the option to send the trigger audio to the VST on the return/aux does not appear on the drop down.

Help? I know how to do this with audio channels, no problem. But I think it could be useful to be able to dial in on the sends and maintaining the original signal volume. Perhaps this defeats the point of using the Pro-C, I don't know.

Any advice? I really am just looking for a way to cut down on CPU drain by just having one instance of the plug running rather than setting up multiple instances of it on each audio track I want to process.

Any replies appreciated.



No one?


Hi Robosapien,

I've just tested this myself in Ableton 8, and indeed it simply doesn't seem possible in Ableton Live to send a signal to a side-chain of a plug-in on a Send channel!

Maybe it's a good idea to send Ableton a feature request about this. I don't see why this woudn't be possible...


Floris (FabFIlter)
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