FabFilter User Forum

Which is VST 3 in Cubase 7?

I was wondering how we can tell which (Pro-Q for example) is the VST3 version in C7?

Eric C.

Hi Eric,

Unfortunately, Cubase 7 doesn't show a difference between VST2 or VST3 versions of plug-ins (like it did in previous versions).

However, VST2 plug-ins are all placed in the root of the plug-in menu, while VST3 plug-ins are placed in sub folders like 'Dynamics', 'Filter' or 'Delay', etc.

If you would like to use VST3 plug-ins only, you can simply delete the FabFilter plug-in files from the VST 2 plugin folder on your computer.


Floris (FabFIlter)

Good tip. Thanks Floris.

Eric C.

just go to devices plugin information in cubase.

there you can deactivate the vst2 plugs..

all vst3 plugs are XXX.vst3 - just keep those..

like this you will still have the vst2 plugs for other apps..

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