FabFilter User Forum


I have taken the oath to bypass any reverb purchase no matter how attractive the price is. I will wait for fab filter to drop the gem on us. I know it will be worth it and worth the wait.

P.s I honestly really can't wait!!!!!!!


Totally Agree with You ;)

Alex K

I agree too.

Also, I don't know what this would be used for but I would expect FabFilter to add all those "XLFOs, EGs, XY controllers, envelope followers" modulation parameters and connectors that they usually do. That would be a weird reverb but I have no doubt it would be great.


I really doubt Fabfilter is going to make a reverb plugin. Reverbs are difficult to do well and are are nothing like Compressors or Eqs.


From that I know IR reverbs are not that difficult to make. It seems they work in the same manner and the quality comes from the impulse response files. Waves has their own 24/96 library, voxengo has a free 16/48 that you can use for free.

There are also some very good free algorithmic and IR reverbs. It can't be that difficult.


The market for reverbs is already saturated, with even more high-end products on the way. I would advise the FF folk to stick to their areas of greatest expertise and give us either a) a very good multi-band compressor, or b) the definitive dynamic equalizer.


It has arrived! Get your credit cards ready!


Hi Fabfilter,

Great news! No Suprize ;)

Can you let me/us know if the new 'Pro R' will also be available for Auria Pro on the 15th?
I know Auria would have to submit an update for Auria users to get it, but is the iOS version ready too?


Looking forward..



That's if they have to submit an update, not sure how the shop works..


Hi King,

We won't have a version available for Auria on November 15, but we'll work with WML to get it ready soon after.


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hey Frederick,

Good to see the words "soon after" in your reply! :-)

It (reverb) is the main effect that I'm not completely satisfied with, within Auria/iOS.
I just purchased 'another' (AU Reverb) on Saturday. Sounds quite good to be fair, but hope yours sounds better (because it's FF) :)

Anyway the main thing is you guys have built one now, hope all goes well.




Introduction vid.




OP here,

Finally it will be time for PRO-R to come to poppa!!!! Anyone know the price??


Hey Frederik,

The ducking possibilities via the modulation features of 'Timeless 2' are brilliant!
Will Pro-R have any such feature or abilitiy, now or in the future?



No Pro pligin has modulation. This Feature is only in the creative stuff. So i guess no. And on the screen captures i so no modulation button to pop that out.



Nothing is impossible, plus it's not released yet so things could have been added or hidden for all we know (here's hoping).

I know about the Pro vs Creative, but never say never..

Fabfilter always aim to go beyond what is 'supposed' to be normal.

It's possible! (If not now, in the future).



never say never..

Fabfilter tryes to go one step further.

I don't think Fabfilter does the video so early in production that they add sutch a huge feature later. Doesn't make sense to me.

It's possible! (If not now, in the future).
Right but i doubt it.

We will see it in 4 days.



Your comments are appreciated, (to a point) but my question was directed specifically (specifically!) to Frederik, and Frederik only!

If the answer is no, that's fine, but I want to hear the answer from the horses mouth, so to speak.

Over and out,



Also, look at the 4th comment in this thread, people are often proven wrong!


I read that u asked Fredeik.
Just thought i write my thoughts.

Saw also another site speculating aboud modulation.
I wanted to comment there already. But making a account for that was not worth it.

BTW i guess modulation in reverb can cause artifacts. But maybe fabfilter figures a way to handle that.

I'll stop commenting now. ;)

Have a good day and 4 days patience.


It's all good!

Have a good one too!

Very much looking forward to this one! :)



Soooo ready for this. I've yet to find a 3rd party reverb plugin that really hit the spot just right for me. Based on everything else I have (and love) from FF, I'm pretty confident this is the one. Slate almost sucked me back in to the subscription thing since they've added Verbsuite Classics, but I'm holding out for Pro-R!


I love the Fab Filter bundle policies, and think every company should use this method. It say's to the customer that "we appreciate you too", and for that I will buy almost anything they put out. Not to mention they are the best plugin manufacturer out right now.

Slate on the other hand, while producing quality stuff, doesn't have the same sense of appreciation. They never have loyalty dicounts, or intro pricing. For this I passed on the new verb.

FabFilter, you guys are crushing the competition when it comes to customer loyalty appreciation. Keep it up.

BTW, still waiting on the analyzer. I tried at your recommendation to use the pro q2, and it is not working for me. I need more features, and less clutter. The EQ null line alone is a killer for me.


And once again FF show the world how vastly superior their GUIs are to other companies. The best thing to me is that their user interfaces actually make musicians like myself really understand what is happing and how the effects work. And by releasing Pro-R they finally make their effects line-up complete.

I really wish they would develop their own DAW. That's a subject that really could profit from FFs GUI expertise, because most existing DAWs really suck in this regard.


I hate to be contradicting, I love this forum because it is so positive, but really hope they stick to 3rd party plugin developement and not get sucked into DAW developement. That's a sure fire way to waste their capital. There is still room for plenty of new products.

My wish list:
Analyzer Suite - especially a Spectrum Analyzer

"DrMS" style mid side controller

A modulator controller for use with all of their plugins that don't have those features. Almost like the "LFO Tool" but with the ability to control parameters of say Pro Q2, etc.

Individual track Limiter- Lil L

And many creative ideas that I can't think of. DAW's are covered pretty well. If they wanted to do something cool, like put out design packages that could be utilized by Reaper, Ableton, etc, then you could buy these packs to make your DAW look like FabFilter Land. That might be worth a go. I'd buy them for Ableton.


In Italy now is 15 november 2016 ,where is fabfilter R?


In Adegem same story at 3:50 AM!


I am now waiting for 4 hours :-(


Just buy Valhalla room. Cheaper and sounds better.

Roger Nelson

Nothing until ~12:00 CET.


8:00 am uk time. On tender hooks.


Pro-R has now been released. Enjoy!


Floris (FabFilter)

First !!


Fabfilter pro R arrived, I was hoping for an introductory price competitive. Now I downloaded the demo, see if it is worth all this money.


It's 40 percent off for me (fx bundle owner) which brings it down to ~100 EURO.

Reports on how it sounds appreciated!


At last !
Thanks Fab !


It sounds absolutely gorgeous. After a few minutes with the demo I was typing in my credit card information. :D

While subjective I find the way you work with it very intuative and straight-forward. The visual feedback is splendid as well.

Oh yeah, did I mention that it sounds gorgeous? :)

Fantastic job, FF!

Torben Andersen

And concerning the price: If you already own FF plug-ins you know that they weren't the cheapest ones out there, but you bought them for a reason. Pro-R is no different. You get another stellar FF plug-in that will be just as good as all the other gems FF have produced.
Can you find it cheaper? Sure. Can you find it just as good? Probably not. :D

I can't tell you how to spend your money or how you "should value things", but for me FF plug-ins are well worth the money I've spent on them and Pro-R was certainly no different.

Torben Andersen



Thanks! :-)

Frederik (FabFilter)

Hey guys

This sounds gorgeous and is SO easy to use.

However, the visualization is taking a huge toll on my MacBook 2013`s graphics. In contrast to the other PRO effects which don't affect it at all, the PRO-R causes audio dropouts and eventually Audio MIDI sync error message:

MBP 2013 i5 2.4 GHz
Mac OS 10.12.1
Logic Pro X 10.2.4
Internal Sound Card
128 or 256 samples Buffer

- One track with a U-he Repro-1 instance
- Playing with visualization activated (either option) causes crackles, then drop outs, then Audio Midi Sync error message
- CPU in Activity Monitor shows still some headroom
- Playing with visualization de-activated is just fine.

I do mainly work on a more powerful machine but I`d like to be able to use Pro-R on the portable, when needed.



The Repro-1 is beta and (still) VERY taxing on the CPU. U-he and crew have managed to bring down CPU usage significantly.

One Pro-R instance with visualization uses ca. 5-7 percent here on a 2010 Mac Pro 12-core, 3.47 GHz @ 44 kHz and ~20 percent @ 96 kHz, in Logic Pro X 10.2.4 under OS X v10.11.6. That's actually quite low with respect to its quality.


@gero The issue there is likely from Repro-1, not Pro-R. Test with a different synth and see what happens. That's a beta, after all!



Hey guys

Mea Culpa, I thought it was every CPU-Intense synth or instrument which would cause issues. Not true.

I retested without Repro-1 beta and I am encountering similar issues when opening both the Pro-R and Pro-C 2 GUI during playback, though.



Any chance for freeze function?


Delighted with Pro-R sound quality and performance. It will be very useful in my workflow having a solo reverb button not having to mess with the mix level while doing changes.

Thank You FF!

Felipe López

I just tested the demo. It's nice but if i bring the decay-time up to 20 sec. the reverb stops abruptly after around 14 sec. Anyone else experienced this behaviour?

Chris L.

@Gero: Is your MacBook Pro from 2013 a 13" Retina version? The GPU in these is just barely adequate for regular work, which causes problems with e.g. the visualization in Pro-R. The 15" version and later (2015) 13" versions have better GPUs and won't have this problem.

But just for you we added an option to disable the fancy reverb visualization. In the Analyzer menu in the bottom bar, choose Pre+Post instead of Reverb+Post for a graph that's much easier on the GPU and still shows you what the reverb is doing.

@Chris: Which host are you using? And which sample rate?


Frederik (FabFilter)

@Frederik: I am using Cubase 8.5.15 and a sample rate of 44,1 khz

Chris L.

Lovely sounding product. My only request is shipping with more sound design presets. All presets here are geared toward music. As an example, look at some of the unconventional IRs in Altiverb as a starting point. Vacuum cleaner hose, glass jar, metal bucket.

Perhaps my expectations are unrealistic. Let me know if they are!


Hey Frederik,

Yes, it's the 13" retina model and I know not to expect a whole lot of the integrated graphics ;-)

But I did try the "2D" version of the visualisation, expecting the same hit on the GPU and CPU as with Pro-L, Pro-C or Pro-Q. And 2D seems to improve things a little but Pro-R still appears to be more demanding than the others.

Oh, just for the record, absolutely NO problem whatsoever on my iMac. No reason NOT to buy this soon.



That's strange, I would expect the graphics load for the Pre+Post setting to be equal to say Pro-Q 2. We'll try to find out why this happens.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I have a question on the Pro-R Distance control - hope it's OK to jump into this thread like this.
Does an increase in Distance simulate moving the listener back from the sound source or does it simulate leaving the listener stationary and having the sound source moving deeper into the sound stage (i.e., towards the rear of the sound stage)?

A related question is about pre-delay. There seems to be no explicit control over ER vs tail levels, but there is explicit pre-delay control. Pre-delay plays a big role in depth perception in reverbs (at least according to several expert accounts I've read). Does the Distance setting make any automatic adjustments to pre-delay?

Thanks for enlightenment.

David Baer

Hi David,

The Distance control simulates moving the listener back from the sound source. If mainly affects the build up and clarity of early reflections. In real life, it would also affect the pre-delay obviously in some way, but we've chosen to not apply automatic pre-delay, but leave it fully customizable by the user...

Floris (FabFilter)

Will Pro R be available within Auria in time for the usual Christmas sale?


Hi JamesP,

We're working on it and Pro-R will be available in Auria soon!


Floris (FabFIlter)

Looks unlikely we'll make the January 1 deadline though. Sorry!

Frederik (FabFilter)

I just copied n pasted this from another thread, but it may as well go hear too:

"Looking forward to Pro-R the most right now. But please in the future when you develop new plugins, can you please release both/all versions at the same time. :p I'll test for you if needs be.
Or just develop iOS before others! (Just kidding folks) - or am I?
The wait is crazy. I did have a look at it in the PC, but only half hearted, as I know I won't be using it on that platform any time soon. Plus using the mouse for me is not the same feel at all. Touch all the way - for me. ;)

Good Times!
KING - Dec 20, 2016"

Added: when it arrives (iOS) it will be worth it I'm sure!



* Versions * meaning 'platform' versions..


Hi Floris and Frederik,

Thanks for the replies! Can you give any sort of estimated timeline for when Pro R might be ready for iOS?


Probably late January!

Floris (FabFIlter)

Great to hear! A wait which will be worth it, I'm sure. : )


Bought Pro-R yesterday and I have to say that is the most beautiful sounding and looking reverb that I've played with.
What a beauty.
Great job, team Fabfilter!
Big thanks!


Is it "late Jan" already? :) Should I check Auria shop for Pro R now?



Frederik (FabFilter)

I want want!


The original post in this thread is almost nine years old now, but I keep checking the FabFilter forum for any hint that an updated version capable also of convolution reverb will be released. And, Felipe's comments in the 5th post here brought this thread up in my search.

I am a REAPER user and its included plug-in, ReaVerb, is capable of importing and using impulse response (IR) files, but I'd rather work with IR files through a FabFilter interface.

Here's hoping.

Timothy Brown

Nah, Pro-R should stay algorithmic only in my opinion. Synthetic and convolutional reverbs really have nothing to do with one another in terms of their parameters.


Then, a separate FabFilter plug-in for convolution reverb? But having two plug-ins called reverbs might be confusing from a marketing standpoint. Maybe, then, one plug-in with two switchable interfaces for the two types of reverb.

Convolution is the choice reverb for those wanting an accurate, natural emulation and willing to dedicate CPU resources.

There are other convolution plug-ins out there, but none with FabFilter's remarkable user interface.

Timothy Brown

This thread has survived for more than a decade, and look at the history it records. FabFilter has come a long way.

And now, today, they announce the Pro-R 2! Congratulations!

I am pleased to see that this new version makes it possible to import impulse response files. Looks like convolution reverb is finally here.

Many thanks to the FabFilter development team.

Timothy Brown

Hi Timothy,

Pro-R 2 does import impulse responses, but it's not a convolution reverb. It will find the best settings to get as close as possible to your IR, but it remains an algorithmic reverb.

Ralph (FabFilter)


Timothy Brown

I've never heard of this sort of reverb. I guess I'll have to see how it compares to convolution when it's tested by third parties and reviewed.

Timothy Brown

LiquidSonics bar none eliminated my need for any other brand reverbs.

Cinematic Rooms Professional, Lustrous Plates, Seventh Heaven Professional, Reverberate, Tai Chi and Illusion cover the spectrum. No need for anything else.

Marc Driftmeyer

Not going to lie, I would have preferred a new reverb being added to the "Creative" suite instead, with whacky options and modulation possibilities. However, the "Analyse IR and try to match" is a really interesting concept! Will def do a demo run of this!

Patrik Rydberg

Hello fabfilter.com admin, Thanks for the well-written and informative post!

Brigette Poe

You seem to be very excited about FabFilter's upcoming product! FabFilter is known for their high quality plugins, and many people are looking forward to their new products, especially in the reverb area. aarouteplanner.io

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