FabFilter User Forum

New Update, GPU issue ?


Thanks for your greats plugs and quality updates.
I noticed a couple of problems with my config and the new updates.

I owned all plugs except pro DS.
All of them have the second behavior and some have the first one :

  • first, and maybe already reported, gui plugins blinking when switching the modulation panel (saturn, volcano, twin2).
  • Second and most annoying, when I open an instance of a fab plugin in a blank ableton live project, my MBP fans scream.

The fan problems did not occured before this new update.

My config :
MacBook Pro 13" early 2011, I5 with (i suppose) poor graphic card.
Mac OSX 10.6.8, ableton live 8.3.4.



We are already working on the first problem.

Regarding the fan noise, does this occur with any of our plugins?


Frederik (FabFilter)


I noticed this in Pro-Q and Pro-C with analyser display enable.
I tested at lunch time with Live 9 beta and I think it's ok.
This occurs with Izotope Alloy2 too.


For me - I can't get the filters to work in the new Ableton upgrade (8.3.4) - they crash every time. This goes for Saturn, Pro-C, Pro-Q.

They seem ok (in that they play if I don't touch any settings) if they were added in a project created prior to the upgrade, but adding them to an existing or new project in 8.3.4 makes live quit every time.

I'm running OSX 10.8, Ableton 8.3.4..

Please help - Fabfilters are my favourites :)


We'll have a look at the problem tomorrow!


Frederik (FabFilter)


Back on topic, I confirm the GPU (or CPU ?) fan strange behavior with Pro-Q, Pro-C, Volcano 2 and Saturn on Ableton 8.3.4 and Ableton 9 beta.
Blank project or not.

MacBook Pro 13" early 2011, I5, Mac OSX 10.6.8.


Can you both try to disable graphics acceleration to see if that fixes the problem?



Frederik (FabFilter)

Yep, this one solved my problem.
Thanks for your help.



Hi again,

Is the "disable graphics acceleration" trick
is needed every time I boot my machine ?

When I execute the line in the terminal it's OK but
after some times the weird fan problem happening again.


Am I the only one ?



Hi Alliom,

No, it should only be needed once! If the problem persists, please e-mail us with details! Thanks!

Floris (FabFIlter)
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