FabFilter User Forum

GUI for Mastering Bundle not showing in Triumph post-update

Having issues specifically with Audiofile Engineering's Triumph and the new update. Using the Mastering Bundle, has worked fine in Triumph previously but only shows a blank plugin window (no gui) after updating to the new version of the plugins.

Image: yfrog.com/kj2gypp

This is while running the application in 32 or 64bit mode, when previously 64bit mode worked fine and 32bit mode showed not the FabFilter GUI, but only sliders for each paramater.

Plugin is opening fine in other hosts on the same computer...

Any ideas?


Hi Mike,

We'll investigate the problem and fix it soon!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Hi Mike,

We've been able to reproduce this bug, and it will be fixed in the upcoming minor update! Thanks again for reporting this.

Floris (FabFIlter)

Amazing! Any estimate on the release date of the update?

Thank You!


We're aiming for tomorrow!


Frederik (FabFilter)
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