FabFilter User Forum

Can you add a "Percied Loudness" Meter, or line to the Pro-L?

Hi FF,

I would like to see a perceived loudness meter, or line of something in the Pro'L, similar to the perceived loudness meter in IK Multimedia's T-Racks.

That would be nice to have.

Thanks :-)

Richard Nash
Los Angeles

Richard Nash

"Perceived" Loudness meter, I meant to say.

It's a very handy thing in T-Racks, but I don't like T-Racks very much, other wise.

Richard Nash

Hi Richard,

FabFilter Pro-L already shows the RMS level (the thin white line in the graph) that can be used for this purpose. The RMS level is displayed in the output meter as well.


Frederik (FabFilter)

As we're drawing into the era of loudness normalisation (broadcast audio now, music by digital delivery soon), I'd like to second this suggestion.

Loudness to EBU R128 and True-Peak will soon be expected on professional plugs of this type, I'd like to think you were already considering limiting to True Peak as an option, along with LU in different scales as an addition/alternative to RMS.

Algorithms/ libraries are available from the PLOUD group so development shouildn't be a problem for slick programmers like you ;) It should make Pro-L a real goto plug.


I'm already using the Pro-L with an EBU metering plug downstream, would be nice not to have to iteratively tweak an ordinary peak limiter to keep things under -1dBTP. :)

PS: Happy to beta test when you get this going guys.

Planet Nine Productions.


Exactly what Nathan is talking about.

Having the ability to peak deeper into perceived loudness, which is a little different than RMS, plus having the ability to view levels from different international standards points of views would be very handy, indeed.

Richard Nash

Hello Richard, I'm using Toneboosters "EBU loudness" plugin for loudness measurements. I place it after Pro-L in the master.

It has the ability to display a time-elapsed line of Short-Term loudness in a similar way to Pro-L's RMS line. It also displays True Peak. I use K-offset LU values, so that 0LU corresponds to -12, -16 or -20LUFS -I'm fed up of destroying mixes for CD.

I would be very happy to see Pro-L incorporate these measurements.



Hi guys,

Implementing various metering standards (at least EBU R128) is very high on our wish lists! Either directly in Pro-L, or in a dedicated metering plug-in with other useful metering as well! Some time in the future... :-)


Floris (FabFIlter)

But as loudness metering specs for media include True Peak limits, it would make more sense to incluse it in the Pro-L limiter (or a limiter), or at least include the facility to limit to TP and we'll use our own meters for the loudness part until you decide which way you're going.

Don't leave it too long though please fellas ;-)



Hi Nathan,

We'll definitely add an official True Peak mode to Pro-L. But just so you know: I've looked into the True Peak processing, and actually our '4x oversampling' mode does just that!

But for a future update, we'll make sure people know it's there and can simply select 'True Peak' processing :-)


Floris (FabFIlter)

The "Perceived Loudness" meter on the T-Racks mastering plug-in is a weighted RMS meter that takes into account the frequencies that our human ears are most sensitive to. So it's a human ear leaning RMS meter, which is helpful to know if you have not enough or too much midrange.

Richard Nash

Floris, thank you for that information, that's very handy to know; I take it the oversampling creates the intersample peaks to the same method as TP? -I will be testing it now, that is very encouraging.

If I were you, I'd be uploading and broadcasting that cosmetic change ASAP -that's definitely a plus-point to the Pro-L, something worth advertising and shouting about.

Richard, EBU-R128 is fundementally what you describe the T-Racks meter as, but it's been standardised as an international measurement method and actually incorporated into broadcast regulations in some countries (-23LUFS integrated, -1TP for broadcast audio).

Going to verify the TP readings in 4x oversample, this will simplify some workflows...



Thanks Nathan,

I've been doing a lot of research into this area and you are right on the money. LKFS, or LUFS or just LU are new standards of RMS measurement that take the human ears frequency response into account and adjaut accordingly. Pretty soon being forced to squash music to please ignorant A&R will be history. I'm feeling very liberated by this :-)

Hi Floris,

I just want to see these new metering standards be included into the Pro-L within the next 6 months or so, so Pro-L can stay current and competitive :-)

Richard Nash

Richard Nash

Better yet, make a metering plug similar to Insight by Izotope, or VisLM by NuGen. TC also make an interesting metering plug as well.

I DO think that it would be nice to add +3db of metering space to the meters in the Pro-L so we can see how large any inter-sample peaks might be.


Richard Nash

Richard Nash

Hi Fab Filter,

Is there any new information on this thread that you would be willing to share? The retina updates to the Pro-Q and Pro-MB have been great, and it would be lovely to have a retina update or even a new Pro-L 2 that gives us the option of different display sizes, retina and HiDPI support as well as LUFS (LKFS) metering displays... I think that the current gold standard for metering is Izotope Insight, which contains a plethora of useful information for metering purposes...

Maybe even Fab Filters own metering plug-in is in order, as your team is doing everything else so well up to this point :-)


Richard Nash
Los Angeles, CA

Richard Nash

Hi Richard,

We've actually researched and implemented the most important metering standards now. We will probably add the most important standard (EBU R128) into Pro-L, but note that this is not trivial; the standard has quite some requirements for the interface as well, so it will take us some time to do this properly.

Also worth knowing: Pro-L's current ISP metering already fully meets the requirements of the True Peak metering standard (ITU-R BS.1770 / EBU R128). It's 100% the same thing!


Floris (FabFilter)

Hi Floris,

Is the Pro-L GUI at "retina quality"? I haven't kept up on what it is up to date with Retina but I now have a retina iMac on the way. Since I use Pro-L as my main digital limiter, it would be nice if it looked as good as possible on a retina display.

Justin Perkins

Hi Justin,

At the moment, only Pro-MB and Pro-Q to have Retina support, but we're working on updating the other plug-ins as well!

Floris (FabFilter)
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