FabFilter User Forum

Parameter readings

Hi, apologies if this has been answered before (I did search for a while to try and find if this has been raised before).

Is there anyway to get the parameter reading to show whilst it's being changed when it's been linked to a macro in Ableton?

E.g. if I had a Pro-C and group it I can assign the threshold to macro 1. If I change the threshold with the mouse via the UI of the Pro-C it gives me a caption with the threshold level as I change it. But if I change the value with the macro knob it doesn't.

I can't see how to make this happen - is there a way?

Other plugins allow me to do this...




You're right that the parameter display currently only appears when you edit a parameter via the knob. We'll consider showing it as well when parameters are changed via the host. Thanks for the suggestion!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks for the fast response. Hope you can make this change - it would make your brilliant plug-ins just that little bit better!

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