FabFilter User Forum

Saturn (feat req) - choosing dist type

Sometimes I want to browse the distortion types, to see what works. Continually opening the dropdown menu isn't really ideal.

Prev/next arrows would do the trick. As would being able to scroll through the distortion types using the mousewheel. I like the latter idea best.




+1 for the arrows


I really like both those ideas. If there were prev/next arrows, it would be awesome if they were MIDI-learnable so we could try out different distortions by pressing buttons on a MIDI controller.


Hi guys,

Thanks for the feature request! We'll consider this for a future update...

Floris (FabFIlter)

+1 for this!

Chris Rimby

With a MIDI controller, you can just hook up a knob on the controller to the distortion style input box with Saturn's MIDI Learn feature. That lets you scroll through the distortion styles with your controller, even easier!


Frederik (FabFilter)

I see you fine chaps addressed this request with the latest update, as well as adding lots of other cool new features/optimizations.

Thanks for listening; you're the best :)



+1 as well. This kind of functionality should be universal for all plug-ins.

Richard Nash
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