FabFilter User Forum

Simplon forgets Midi Learn on restart

Hi all,

Running Cubase 5.1 on Windows XP3.

I use Simplon a lot, but there is this bug, which is buggin' me.

When i use Midi Learn with Simplon, it works. However, when
i restart the project (even without restarting pc), it has forgotten the assignment. In other words, it rolls back to it's initial settings.

Has anybody had the same experience?

Boy Bianchi

Can you try to manually save your MIDI settings after you've assigned them? Click the arrow icon next to the MIDI learn button and click Save to do this.

Also, you can check that the MIDI map has been written properly after this. The location is C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\FabFilter\Simplon\MidiControllerMap.ffm. Make sure that this file is not locked, read only, etc (try to delete it).


Frederik (FabFilter)
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