FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C Sidechain Input Volume Mute?

Is there any way to completely mute the incoming sidechain volume when the compressor outputs? It seems there's always the bleed through of whatever you're sidechaining and if you use several sidechains on different channels, then the input signal gets quite loud. I know you can use the EXT feature in the expert tab to mute the sound, but you can only sidechain 1 input at a time, right? So if you have a kick and snare as the input signal in your DAW and you want to duck out on both of them, you can't. Any hints?


Any ideas on how I can make this happen?


Hi darkMatter,

I'm not sure I fully understand your question. I would say you could simply route both the kick and the snare track to the side chain input (if needed via a bus), mute that signal within the host is needed, and then Pro-C will trigger on the combined signal; both kick and snare... right? :-)


Floris (FabFilter)

Hi, Floris.

So I have to route both the kick + snare to a bus first and then route the bus to Pro-C? Is there another way to do this that won't use another mixer track? That's kind of bulky. Are there plans to have multiple sidechains in the future?


I don't think many hosts would support multiple side-chains. The "bus" way is exact the right path to achieve what you want IMO!


Frederik (FabFilter)

Floris is correct, all side-chaining routing is handled by the host DAW. As far as I'm aware, there is no DAW that features multiple sidechain inputs per channel.

Adam D

reaper has multichannel tracks, up to 64 channels, so it could support multichannel sidechaining. Doesn;t really make a lot of sense though, if you want to change whats driving the sidechain, just change what's routed to it. THe plugin shouldn't need a mixing matrix to do what the DAW already does

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