FabFilter User Forum

Saturn - added volume on output


I've been working with Saturn lately, and notice that there is output signal is higher than the input signal, this is with the band(s) mix ratio on dry, and also with the band(s) bypassed.

I'm just wondering if this is by design. Obviously, when applying alteration, change is volume is to be expected, though I assumed with a complete bypass, and audio running through the plugin, the gain would come out the same.

Also, I notice on HQ mode, the another 2 db or so is added.



I have also noticed that even if you bypass a band, harmonic distortion is generated.

I tried putting a sine wave at 1000 hz thru it, and a harmonic of 3000hz is generated.

This with a single band setup.

If setting global mix to 0 % the sound gets clean, but not by doing it on a band.

Maybe this is what is causing the increased level?



I can bypass the saturation (by hitting the power button above the mix knob) and I'm still getting an added harmonic to my signal. Same is true if I move the mix knob to 0. The only way to get rid of this added harmonic is to set the plugin mix to 0.

This doesn't seem right...


To make sure the output volume doesn't go out of control when e.g. using feedback or high band output levels, Saturn contains an additional soft clipper on its master output. This kicks in below 0 dB, but if you use a sine wave at say -12 dB, you'll see significantly lower distortion with all bands disabled. The general wet/dry mix bypasses the soft clipper.

The soft clipper is also responsible for the slight increase in gain for soft signals that you're seeing: we tuned it such that for most input signals, the perceived volume before and after stays the same.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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