FabFilter User Forum

Timeless 2 input panning question

Recently started using Timeless 2 and i think it's AMAZING! :)

One thing is buggin' me though: am i right in thinking its not possible to mute or reduce the level of the left and right (wet) inputs individually? It seems that whatever setting one uses, if the incoming source is mono, it's not possible to have a delay only on the left or right (unless you pan the wet control left or right).

If, for example, you want to have a delay that starts only on the left, then feeds back to the right, it's possible.

Am i right or is this a classic case of operator error?

Or to pit it another way, is it correct that (if you're incoming signal is mono), the first delays (on the left and right) with always be the same volume, because there's no input volume control?

Dr Jazz

In the second sentence, i meant not possible!

Dr Jazz


If you feed Timeless 2 a mono signal and only want delay on the left, you can do two things:

  • Pan both delays to the L channel (panning knobs are just before the filter section).
  • Turn the pan ring on the wet knob all the way to the left.

Hope this helps!

Frederik (FabFilter)

Fred, thanks!

This would be a great feature for a future update: individual volume level controls for L & R channels before the delay lines!

Dr Jazz

You don't really need them: you can achieve the same effect with the current panning options.

Frederik (FabFilter)

Frederik, how can you achieve the same effect with panning?

I am trying to figure out how i can achieve something as simple as two separate delays, both panned to center but with different levels. I would rather not use sends and make any fx channels. Just plain insert fx.


Hi Tim,

You could set the panning for both delays to the center position. They will take their input signal from the left and right channels respectively, so you're effectively getting a mono output this way.


Frederik (FabFilter)

But how would you alter the output volume for one of the delay channels?


Hi Tim,

That's easy, just use the pan ring around the Wet Mix knob.


Frederik (FabFilter)

"That's easy, just use the pan ring around the Wet Mix knob."

I tried this with both delays panned to center and what happens when i turn the wet mix knob is that both delays are being panned equally.

I think that Timeless could allow more control over its input. I would love to see an option to feed a stereo signal to both delay channels also be able to regulate their levels separately.



I have a follow-up question to that:
I am using Fabfilter plugins for a while now in FL Studio and Cubase.
Now, I am not a big fan of Pro Tools, but currently I have to work with it.

I noticed that all Fabfilter plugins have a mono version. But trying to render a Timeless 2 delay effect onto mono files in Pro Tools pops an error message that says: "This plug-in only renders 2 channels at a time."
So is it not possible to use Timelss 2 on mono tracks (in Pro Tools), or am I missing something?

Happy mixing,


I am not seeing any pan rings. please assist


Is it possible you are using the mono version? In that case there are indeed no pan rings.

Ralph Verdult

Timeless 2 indeed didn't support mono mode, but Timeless 3 does!


Frederik (FabFilter)
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